Hodie is a collection of Christmas carols from the Medieval, and late medieval centuries. This was a rich period for carols, not only in England, but also on the continent of Europe. Five such carols are used in Hodie. They range from The Boys Carol, a work of Jubilation, whose words go back to Medieval Germany, to "Unto Us Is Born A Son", which also originated in Germany in the fifteenth century. "Welcome Child Of Mary" is a fifteenth century Dutch hymn while "Angelus Ad Virginem" is a fourteenth century Advent hymn known widely in Europe as well as in England. A joyous work, mentioned by Chaucer in The Miller's Tale, its tune is set in a dance-like style. The second last carol in "Hodie" is titled "Of the Fathers Love Begotten." This is a beautiful example of medieval plainsong. The last carol in the set, and mentioned above, is "Unto Us Is Born A Son." This is a German carol, widely documented in Germany in the fifteenth century. It is march-like, and at the same time, a stately hymn that brings Hodie to a rousing conclusion.