Each selection on our web site has an MP3 recording and sample pages in PDF format. On this page you can see and hear some of our newest publications plus several that you may have missed in the past.
You're now hearing Fanfare to the Stars by Chandler Wilson. This is getting a lot of attention. It's also available on Smart Music for your students to practice their parts.
Blithe Bells by J. S. Bach, Percy Grainger arrangement edited by Kevin Kastens. Excellent material for your students and also an opportunity for the conductor to show his musicianship. Is available for students to practice on Smart Music.
Four Horseman of the Apocalypse by Jeff Cortazzo. Feature your trombone section in this feature. Hearing this is believing! Grade 5/6
Romanian Folk Dances by Bela Bartok. 6 movements, showing piccolo, flute, alto flute, bass flute solos. Can be seen on You Tube with the Wings of The Wind Flute Choir.
Children's March: "Over the Hills and Far Away" by Percy Grainger, arranged by Tom Kennedy. On the New York, Indiana, and Texas contest lists. Ideal for adult flute choirs.
Renaissance Suite by John Dowland. Renaissance music for your next concert. Four movements ideal for high school group or adult flute choir. On the New York and list.
For the young soloist, three pieces of melodic material by David Barton. We Will Remember Them displays the tone quality and musicianship of the student.
Hebrew Dance, an easy solo by Laurie Perks. Includes CD with performance track and accompaniment track. Ideal for a contest performance.
Flutist First Solos. Grade 1. Comes with a CD of the performances and practice tracks.
Prelude to an Allegro by Bruce R. Smith. This is on the New York, Texas and Indiana contest lists. Clarinet and Piano. Also available for Clarinet and Band.
Concerto No. III, Rondo, Carl Stamitz. From the BRS Music Contest Abridge Series. This comes with a CD recording of the movement, 3 practice tracks at various tempos, and a demonstrations of each cadenza. Comes with separate copy marked for the judge.
I Lombardi, Piccola Fantasia, by Giuseppe Cappelli, edited by Elizabeth Crawford. On the New York and Indiana lists.
with Pride and Grace written for the Hebron Clarinet Choir and premiered at the Midwest Clinic. Great piece for your high school clarinet choir by composer Eric Rath. On the New York, Texas and Indiana contest lists.
Golliwogg’s Cake Walk by Debussy from the Childrens Corner. On the Texas and Indiana contest lists. Great selection for your Clarinet Choir.
Dowland Suite by John Dowland is on the Indian Texas and Wisconsin lists. Four Renaissance selections in this suite.
Fugue in G Minor, J. S. Bach. Arranged by Gary Bricault. On the Indiana List.
Menuetto, Op. 64, No. 3. Joseph Haydn. Ideal for contest presentation. On the Indiana and New York lists.
Golliwogg’s Cake Walk by Debussy from the Childrens Corner, Great selection for your Saxophone Choir. Have you listened to this selection?
Russlan and Ludmilla by Michael J. Glinka. A great opener or closer for your concert. On the Indiana contest list.
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by W. A. Mozart, arranged by George H. Rowe IV. 2 soprano, 2 alto, 2 tenor, 1 baritone and optional bass.
Fusion of Four, Bassoon Quartet by Brendan McConville. This work fuses four famous bassoon themes from orchestral repertoire. These include Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, Grieg’s In the Hall of the Mountain King, Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, and Dukas’ The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
March of the Dwarfs by Edvard Grieg. Basson quartet for 3 bassoons and contra basson arranged by Gary Bricault. This is an excellent piece for an encore.
Promenade opens with a clarinet solo followed later by an oboe solo. Performed at the Midwest Clinic. Composed by R. Christopher Teichler.
The Prairie Dog Rag for Small orchestra, strings and single parts for the winds by Louis F. Jendras. Clever, melodic and unpredictable harmonies make this a fun piece to perform and great entertainment for your audience.
Percussive Thoughts for String Orchestra by Donald Coakley. Energy and excitement with this selection. Would make a good contest or concert feature. This an exciting and energetic selection for your strings. The strings play short, decisive marcato accents with strong rhythmic gesturers. Techniques include “Bartok Pizz”, and “col legno” which are featured and prominent in the central part of the work.
Vivaldi Rag by Louis F. Jendras. This is light hearted with a humorous feeling. Interesting inner parts throughout the piece. Fun and entertaining.
Arabian Dance, Tchaikovsky, arranged by Eric Rath. Grade 2. Ideal for your Christmas program.
The Elephant, Saint Saens,. Double bass solo with string orchestra.
The Winter Storm is written in the key of D minor. Composed by Jeff Frizzi. Excellent material for the young string orchestra. Grade 1 1/2.
Fugue in G Minor by J. S. Bach. Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and F. Horn arranged by Eric Rath. Also try Overture to Barber of Seville by Gioacchino Rossini. New York and Texas contest lists.
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